Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Anzac Biscuits

Last night, I decided to make Anzac biscuits, inspired by the dessicated coconut that's lying around at home. Dessicated coconut is cheaper here in Sydney than in Singapore. And I should be finding more ways to use it in baked goods! But sy doesn't quite like dessciated coconut....anyway, Anzac biscuits sounds great to bake because it uses oats and coconut and no egg - sounds healthy. Golden syrup is used as a substitute for egg to bind the ingredients together. I wonder how they would turn out. I had in mind to give them to my neighbours, if they turn out great.

They turned out CHEWY!! I never like my biscuits to be chewy, only crispy!! Off to search the Internet on whether Anzac biscuits are meant to be chewy or crispy. Well, Niki said that they are supposed to be crispy from the oats and chewy from the syrup-coated coconut. Sigh, does that mean that biscuits with golden syrup will always turn out to be chewy?

Soak Yee likes them - I think it is because she likes muesli bars a lot. They taste like flat small pieces of muesli, due to the oats. Gee, I think they are just handy to carry around. Good source of energy?!


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