Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Baked Stuff on a Rainy Day

Caramelized bananas and walnuts with pancakes. Ever since I ate this breakfast item - Ricotta pancakes with honeycomb butter and grilled bananas at Blue Mountains with JH, I've been thinking of making something similar. Maybe a little messy to grill bananas here....but I guess caramelized bananas come close enough! A little butter and brown sugar to create the caramel...but I discovered it's rather difficult to coat the bananas and walnuts evenly with the caramel. Something to investigate....Pancakes are really easy to make, and if I use condensed milk, there's no need to add any sugar - it's sweet enough for me, at least.

Then, it's off to bake some muffins. I've been wanting to give my neighbours something, ever since I started borrowing tools from them for the bicycle. So paiseh. Since my Anzac biscuits felt so urgh, I guess I can only rely on my muffins. I wanted to make chocolate muffins cos I have this gigantic bar of Cadbury chocolate SY gave for X'mas! I will become FAT, if I eat it up like that!! I used a peeler to shave the chocolate into bits - very good, I used up almost half the bar for the muffins.

I've been using canola oil for the muffins - this oil seems to have a mixed reputation - I'm seriously not sure whether it's healthy or not. But I think the muffins have a somewhat weird smell, if you smell them real close enough. Maybe I'm too sensitive. The muffins turn out alright - edible and pretty sweet even though I added just abit of sugar. The chocolate and condensed milk gives enough sweetness, I guess.

Sigh - my angmo neighbours are not around....I gave them to my korean neighbours instead. I hope they like it. Now, it's off to get more self-raising flour to bake more muffins for my angmo neighbours tonight. I hope I finish the bar of chocolate.


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